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Although regulation is often seen as the big bad wolf, it’s not always a horrible thing to have. As many of the E-Juices and devices are often created without proper inspection and the E-Juice can have wildly inaccurate amounts of nicotine in each bottle depending on how diligent the E-Juice makers are in measuring the nicotine. There currently is no standard way of measuring out nicotine in E-Juice. Some stores have been known to “eye-ball” the nicotine and flavoring levels. Whereas some stores have a dedicated lab grade clean room and precise measuring tools. There needs to be some standard and regulation that protects us the users and customers from people out to make a quick buck. Contamination is another huge issue as E-Juice making products needs to be cleaned like anything else, and it needs to be cleaned properly. Certain standards need to be maintained when creating these E-Juices. Now if a lab grade room is required to create E-Juice, this would cripple many stores as most stores are small startups that are creating E-Juice in the back of their break room (I’m dead serious…..). However this may be a blessing as a clean room and lab grade equipment minimizes contamination and thus allows us to vape safer and higher quality E-Juice. With regulation hopefully the days of moonshining E-Juice in the back of a moving van would be over, a slight exaggeration maybe but not far from the truth!

But e-cigarettes should not be treated the same as cigarettes. Doing so removes the incentive for people to switch from real cigarettes to e-cigarettes and therefore will increase smoking, and with it, death.

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