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The CDC's statement is wrong on its face. If there is reputable evidence from former smokers that e-cigarettes helped them quit smoking, then there is indeed conclusive scientific evidence that e-cigarettes "can work" as a cessation aid.

According to the letter: "Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Sen. Tom Harkin, and Rep. Peter Welch sent a letter to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, and Vermont Attorney General William H. Sorrell urging them to classify electronic cigarettes as cigarettes under the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) to prevent e-cigarette companies from targeting youth and getting them addicted to their products. ... Classifying e-cigarettes as cigarettes under the MSA would prohibit tobacco companies from targeting youth in advertising and marketing of these products."

Now, if those 100 resistant smokers were then followed for six months, we would expect that very few of them would quit smoking because all of them had already tried e-cigarettes and failed.

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