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A new published online ahead of print in the journal Addiction provides evidence that electronic cigarettes may have the potential to outperform nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for self-assisted smoking cessation.

Because ANR is falsely accusing Mistic of being part of Big Tobacco, I am afraid that ANR is making a potentially defamatory statement. The false accusation appears to be malicious, as it ties Mistic to the historical fraud and conspiracy for which the tobacco companies were found guilty in the Department of Justice lawsuit. The accusation also appears to represent a blatant disregard for the truth, since there is absolutely no reason to even think that Mistic is owned by Big Tobacco, and because ANR does not list Mistic in its list of e-cigarette brands that are owned by tobacco companies. Thus, it appears that ANR is aware that Mistic is just an independent e-cigarette company.

The Rest of the Story

The authors of this study make one of the most cardinal errors in all of epidemiology. They ignore the principle that "correlation does not equal causation."

"By improving symptoms of depression, smoking may actually enhance respiratory health."

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