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"Do not listen to what the CDC and the FDA are telling you. There is no question that by quitting smoking, you have greatly improved your health. There is no question that vaping is much safer than smoking. Do not allow yourself to be deceived by the propaganda. Do not return to cigarette smoking in fear that somehow there are hidden risks in vaping that could render them just as dangerous as cigarettes."

In a news , SAMHSA (the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) attempted to demonize electronic cigarettes, providing a quite biased and one-sided look at the risks associated with these products. The article fails to report the results of surveys and clinical trials, which have shown that e-cigarettes are a bona fide smoking cessation aid that have helped thousands of smokers to quit.

1. The regulations apply section 911 (the modified risk product provisions) to electronic cigarettes.

Some of the most important conclusions in epidemiologic research have come not from large case-control or cohort studies or clinical trials, but from case studies or case series, or as Dr. Frieden would say, "anecdotes."

The researchers reported that patients who used e-cigarettes were no more likely to have quit smoking at follow-up than patients who did not use e-cigarettes.

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