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At one corner we have Big Tobacco, a $90 industry and the E-Cig industry is poking a very angry bear, and at the other corner is Big Pharma, the who have repeatedly been pushing for more and more regulation with E-Cigs and to claim that E-Cigs does not help with quitting and should not be advertised as such. There are doctors that still will not advice patients to use vaporizers to curb smoking sensation, but instead use Chantix instead. Chantix is still being prescribed right now and have yet to be pulled from pharmacies. In response to these suicides, all Pfizer has done is put a warning label on the box.

Dr. Foulds and colleagues developed a 10-question scale to assess nicotine dependence and administered it to a sample of 2,368 current electronic cigarette users. Subjects were asked to fill out the scale to assess the level of their addiction while smoking, and then again to assess the level of their current addiction using electronic cigarettes.

"We believe that statements from the research community need to be evidence-based. While lively debates help to advance science and policy, adherence to good scientific practice is paramount. We need more rigour and oversight to ensure that interpretation of evidence is guided by data, not emotions, and that strong statements based on weak evidence are avoided. We need those reviewing

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