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Regardless, the AHA considers e-cigarettes that do “contain nicotine to be tobacco products and therefore supports their regulation under existing laws relating to the use and marketing of tobacco products.” They suggest regulation in the areas of youth marketing, smoke-free air laws, and manufacturing, in order to make sure e-cigarettes don’t encourage nicotine use, which no matter what the delivery method, does present health dangers to its users.

Moreover, the study was a laboratory study involving mice. How could these reporters possibly extrapolate from a mouse study showing impairment of healing and liver damage in mice exposed to thirdhand smoke to the conclusion that thirdhand smoke is as harmful as active smoking?

Furthermore, the deceptive statements of both authors appear in a press release, not simply as quotes in a newspaper article. This implies that they had plenty of time to think about these statements and were not just speaking off the cuff or being misquoted.

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