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“I was smoking over a pack a day and spending about $200 a month on cigarettes. Now I have cut that cost down over 50%… plus I don’t have that awful lingering smell, bad breath, and that guilt feeling. I love that Cigavette is 100% smoke and tobacco free among other things. Not only is that probably healthier for me, it also doesn’t bother those around me (like my friends and family!!!). I can tell I am feeling better and getting stronger everyday. Cigavette gives me the freedom to enjoy the benefits of a Non Smoking Lifestyle”(from Cigavette website)

The Rest of the Story

A new published online ahead of print in the journal Addiction provides evidence that electronic cigarettes may have the potential to outperform nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for self-assisted smoking cessation.

According to an at "In a hearing Wednesday afternoon that harkened back to the famous congressional Big Tobacco hearings two decades ago, Senators on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee eviscerated electronic cigarette executives Jason Healy, CEO of blu eCigs (owned by tobacco company Lorillard), and Craig Weiss, CEO of NJOY, leaders of the two leading e-cig brands."

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