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1. The subjects did not consent to participate in the study.

Right now of wholesale price for all products including E-Juice and hardware. For those of us that buy E-Juice by the bottle this could mean even a small bottle of E-juice could be much more expensive than a pack of cigarettes. HOWEVER, they want to only increase the price of a pack of cigarettes up to 50 cents per pack. So basically for those of us that choose the smarter alternative to regular cigarettes are being punished by a possible implementation of a sin tax which raises the prices for products considerably for the consumers, all while everyone who has not switched to electronic cigarettes are almost being awarded by only getting a slap on the wrist of an extra two quarters per pack of smokes.

The Truth

"At the end of her time to question, Boxer said: “Mr. Healy and Mr. Weiss, you can con yourself. But we don’t know if this product gets people off cigarettes yet, so don’t think you are doing some great mission. Don’t say you care about kids,” said Senator Boxer. “Don’t be a part of this, because you’ll regret it.”"

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