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In what it is calling an action "," the FDA has announced taking an "important step" that shows its commitment "to making sure that all tobacco products that are sold and distributed to the public meet the requirements of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Tobacco Control Act)." According to the FDA, this bold new action is necessary because: "Ensuring compliance with the law is critical to FDA’s mission to protect public health."

If a company were to make such a claim, it would constitute a reduced exposure claim, which is prohibited under section 911. To make matters worse, such a claim can only be approved by the FDA if the company shows that if consumers hear that the product is free of tobacco, they will not be led to believe that the product is safer. In other words, to simply make the truthful and uncontroversial claim that your electronic cigarettes are free of tobacco, you would have to first demonstrate that consumers will not interpret the absence of tobacco as indicating that the product is any safer. But we know for a fact that consumers will interpret (and should interpret) the absence of tobacco as an indication that vaping is safer than smoking. Therefore, the deeming regulations place a de facto, permanent ban on electronic cigarette companies making the simple claim that their products do not contain tobacco.

Let’s take a break from recent events and talk about something fun for a change. I’m sure we’ve all had our fair share of E-Juices and even pondered changing the flavor or wondering if adding another flavor would make the E-Juice really shine. For the last week, I’ve been spending a lot of time making my own E-Juice. I’ve been doing this long enough to know what makes E-Juice. You have your nicotine, PG, VG, and flavoring. It seemed really simple in my mind but by the end of the week, I’ve found a new respect for E-Juice mixologists.

What the study found was that 11.9% of the former smokers had ever tried an electronic cigarette in the past year. This means they might have tried an electronic cigarette once and never taken another puff again. It means they may have tried a single puff on an electronic cigarette just to see what it was like.

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