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In other words, while the policy allows Facebook to collect and use user information for research purposes, it does not allow Facebook to conduct interventions in which it manipulates feeds shared with users in order to try to control their emotions as part of a research experiment.

The reference which supports this assertion is a by Dutra and Glantz which purports to provide data showing that electronic cigarettes are "aggravating the tobacco epidemic among youth."

The CDC's statement is wrong on its face. If there is reputable evidence from former smokers that e-cigarettes helped them quit smoking, then there is indeed conclusive scientific evidence that e-cigarettes "can work" as a cessation aid.

The rest of the story is that by applying section 911 to electronic cigarettes, the FDA is forcing electronic cigarette companies to implictly lie to its consumers by hiding from them the undeniable truth that electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. This removes the most critical element of potential marketing competition from combustible cigarettes.

The letter picks up on many of the precise points that I have been arguing during the past few weeks: ; ; .

What is the new "evidence" that e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking? According to the letter sent by these politicians to the FDA: "What’s even more troubling is that these products serve as a gateway to traditional tobacco products. A recent JAMA Pediatrics study found that middle and high-school students who used e-cigarettes were more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes and less likely to quit smoking."

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