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Between 1961 and 1965 - during the entire time that Dr. Terry was heading the Public Health Service as Surgeon General - the Service was conducting an unethical and racist study in which it denied antibiotic treatment to African American men with advanced syphilis in order to observe the debilitating and fatal long-term sequelae of this essentially 100% treatable infection.

The point is that there was no way for the cigarette companies to comply with the law, other than to change the banned descriptors to a new term. And no matter what term they chose, consumers would have figured out which brand was which. Moreover, the law did not specify or imply that the companies were prohibited from informing consumers which brand was which.

"Pfizer released a statement defending the smoking cessation medication. “Chantix has been studied extensively and there is no reliable scientific evidence that the medicine causes serious neuropsychiatric events like the violence in this case,” a Pfizer spokesperson told ABC 10 News."

In addition, hiding conflicts of interest deprives the public (and other researchers) to properly evaluate the validity of one's work. Certainly, one has a different view of the validity of the arguments in Fiore's piece once one becomes aware of his long history of financial relationships with Big Pharma. It is unfair to readers to deprive them of this relevant information. Plus, it is unfair to the journal, because the image of the journal itself could become tarnished if it becomes known that an author hid relevant financial conflicts from readers.

So when Cigavette claims they have “the most advanced nicotine vapor system available, using a state of the art microprocessor and patented smart chip technology”, let’s just say I’m always a little skeptical…

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