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In their to this response, the authors of the study clarify their reasoning for attacking the cigarette companies, even though they merely complied with the law:

There is a provision for of informed consent; however, the conditions for such a waiver were not met because: (1) the level of risk was not minimal; (2) the waiver did affect the rights and welfare of the subjects; (3) the research could still practicably have been carried out with informed consent; (4) subjects were not provided with information after the study to explain what occurred.

The basic framework that the FDA has proposed to regulate e-cigarettes is that every product on the market (except a very few that were already on the market as of February 2007) must submit a new product application. These applications must demonstrate to the FDA that the introduction of the product to the market is appropriate for the public's health.

The public health charity ‘Action on Smoking and Health’ are fairly optimistic regarding the potential for vaping to be able to help smokers kick the dangerous habit and they inferred that the contents of e-cigarettes appear to be less than harmful. Although nicotine has been connected to anxiety and blood vessel disease, when this is compared to the percentage of smokers that contract cancer from tobacco, things look far more positive. A study that was conducted in 2013 did reveal that the practice of e-smoking helped to reduce the cravings for real cigarettes amongst heavy smokers and as such they managed to decrease the amount of harmful tobacco consumption. Because they strongly resemble and actually mimic the action of smoking a normal cigarette, it is believed that vaping has the potential to completely replace the desire to smoke amongst the same demographic.