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• I lied to you when I told you that in the Choi and Forster study, "e-cigarettes were a pathway to renewed or new nicotine addiction."

A good amount of us are ex-smokers that picked up an E-Cig and have never turned back. We switch for many reasons and we’re all well aware of the dangers of regular tobacco cigarettes and even its second hand smoke. But what about the vapor we are inhaling and the vapor being exhaled. There has been much controversy on the matter as there just isn’t much research being done on it.

How is it that anti-smoking advocates and health groups, including the state's physicians, could possibly oppose a simple ban on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors?

As the authors point out: "Of interest, consistent improvements in subjective and objective asthma outcomes were also observed amongst dual users (i.e., heavy reducers) with no real difference in dual compared to single users by the end of the observation period."

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