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According to the of the grant proposal, the research question that the lab team is proposing to investigate is as follows: "The goal of this application is to determine the effects of Third Hand Smoke on wound healing. ... It is known that first-hand smoke and secondhand smoke (SHS) inhibit wound healing but nothing is known about the effects of third-hand smoke (THS) on wound healing. ... To address this problem, we will use mice, expose them for 6 months to THS present in their cages and, at the end of the exposure period, we will perform wounds on their backs and study the time course of healing by examining not only the wound areas but also the properties of the tissues."

Like I mentioned, Cigavette has the market when it comes to an e-cigarette that tastes like tobacco. The box even smelled like a regular pack of smokes. I was almost certain that they had squeezed tobacco juice right out of some moist tobacco and stuck it in their cartridges.

The Michigan Medical Society has that would protect the public's health by prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors.

The authors conclude with a section entitled "What Needs to Happen?"

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