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The owner led me to the back room where I saw two employees that were a part of their dedicated E-Juice making team. They all had blue shower caps on (similar to what nurses wear), facial masks, lab coats, and wearing surgical gloves. The room also had a filtration system installed to prevent contaminates from entering as well. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought, it was an actual clean room from a laboratory!

Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis wants to encourage smokers to quit, but only in the way the hospital says they should quit. Specifically, smokers who successfully quit smoking using electronic cigarettes will not be eligible for employment if they are continuing to use e-cigarettes to stay smoke-free. Moreover, smokers who are currently attempting to quit using e-cigarettes will not be eligible for employment, no matter how successful they might be in quitting or cutting down using these products.

The paper defends its ethical standards by arguing that it "was consistent with Facebook's Data Use Policy, to which all users agree prior to creating an account on Facebook, constituting informed consent for this research."

For several years, I have repeatedly written about how the debate over harm reduction, especially electronic cigarettes, has brought out personal attacks, distortion of the science, and even lies among a number of opponents of this novel approach to smoking cessation. Over the past several days, I have learned that there is venom on both sides of the debate, and I had a chance to experience that venom from supporters of harm reduction.

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