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Tony Newman, the media relations director for the Drug Policy Alliance, has written a cogent which is a must-read for anyone who has been following The Rest of the Story and its exposition of the strong opposition to vaping from numerous (supposedly) anti-smoking advocates and groups.

released yesterday by Action on Smoking and Health (UK) show that although electronic cigarette use is widespread and increasing among youth, it has not resulted in regular use among a substantial proportion of youth and among nonsmokers, there are very few regular users.

These studies are simply ignored by the Surgeon General's report and by my colleagues who have attacked me. It would be one thing if there were no evidence for my opinions, but it's hardly appropriate to attack an individual for expressing an opinion that is backed up by scientific studies.

Dr. Glantz's comments on the lack of health benefit in cutting down on one's smoking come in response to one of the reported benefits of electronic cigarettes: that they help many smokers to cut down substantially on the amount they smoke. Glantz : "Dual users, who simultaneously use both products, are unlikely to see much, if any, health benefit because of the continued cigarette use, even if daily consumption drops." In other words, if you are still smoking, there are no benefits from cutting down on the amount you smoke thanks to e-cigarettes.

"This statement insinuates that Mistic is a tobacco company. The statement refers to the survey as "research funded by the tobacco industry" and reminds readers of the history of the dissemination of misinformation by "the tobacco companies." I read this as a clear assertion that Mistic is a tobacco company, or owned by a tobacco company.

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