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The Rest of the Story

There is a provision for of informed consent; however, the conditions for such a waiver were not met because: (1) the level of risk was not minimal; (2) the waiver did affect the rights and welfare of the subjects; (3) the research could still practicably have been carried out with informed consent; (4) subjects were not provided with information after the study to explain what occurred.

In 2011, a federal court in the USA gave the Food and Drug Administration the permission to regulate e-cigarettes under the same laws as tobacco consumption. This was due to the fact that these devices provide nicotine just like the real thing. In the UK, the government has taken a different stance and according to the NHS, they are to be considered a medical aid to help smokers kick the habit. This will be brought into play in 2016 and until that date it is thought that e-cigarettes will remain in that grey area that allows their sales to be largely unregulated.

It might take a few different types of e-cigarettes and several different , but once you find your and e-juice, you have a good chance of kissing your cigarettes goodbye!

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