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2. There is no reason to believe this argument is true in the first place. The percentage of smokers who quit on their own is dismally low. Moreover, the very reason why smokers are trying electronic cigarettes is because they have failed to quit smoking with existing therapies. It is ludicrous to expect that someone who has no confidence in quitting using a traditional methods is suddenly going to quit. In fact, the evidence overwhelmingly shows that without self-efficacy, most smokers are bound to fail. So we are talking about a population of smokers who are not going to quit smoking anyway. Electronic cigarettes are their last best hope. Sure, e-cigarettes are not for everyone and many will fail. But it is simply not true that those who fail are people who would have quit smoking if only they hadn't tried electronic cigarettes.

This is a complete disaster and is not in the interest of protecting the public's health. In fact, this provision is going to harm the public's health. It is going to require manufacturers to implicitly lie about the intended purpose and relative safety of their products.

Thus, before even conducting the study, these researchers have concluded that adult smokers and their family members are severely affected if they undergo surgery and return to a THS-polluted environment, because their healing process will be significantly delayed. Also, the researchers have concluded that individuals who are repeatedly exposed to thirdhand smoke have impaired healing. This includes elderly parents in households with smokers as well as housekeepers in hotels.

Similarly, the study found that 2.9% of the baseline nonsmokers had ever tried an electronic cigarette in the past year. It could have been that the respondent took a single puff on an electronic cigarette and never took another puff.

Last week, the Northampton (MA) Board of Health enacted to strengthen its smoke-free air law. Specifically, the Board of Health extended the smoking ban to include: (1) all public parks and athletic fields; (2) all private clubs; and (3) the use of e-cigarettes in all public places, including parks.

The article reports the results of a cross-sectional sample of adolescents interviewed in 2011 and 2012 in the National Youth Tobacco Survey. Youths were asked to report their smoking status as well as their e-cigarette use, both any use and current use (at least once in the past month).

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