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I am not going to beat a dead horse and get into why the lack of evidence should not be a reason for supporting an outright ban. Especially since there already has been that has shown second hand vapor is a hazard to others that are not using electronic cigarettes. Instead, I am concerned with how the United Nations Organization that’s sole purpose is to battle emerging and current health crises.

The report concludes by calling on the Food and Drug Administration to remove candy-flavored NRT products from the market and to regulate the marketing of NRT so that it does not appeal to or target youths.

However he just told me he’s opening up not one but two more stores in the local area to meet the demands of the vaping community. The last few times I walked in I often had to wait as they are always extremely busy. They are always busy with a customer and sales have never been better. This is merely one example of a industry that has taken America by storm. The that is highly unregulated and under taxed (when compared with tobacco and other sin products).

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