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Surprised that Jacob would have been paid by electronic cigarette companies to make these remarks or that his statement was orchestrated by Big Vapor, I was gratified to learn from Jacob himself that neither of these accusations from Stan are true. Jacob confirmed that the production and placement of this video were not directed by any electronic cigarette companies and he was not paid by any electronic cigarette company to make these statements.

A spokesperson from one of the leading national anti-smoking groups commented: "The more things change, the more they stay the same. This just goes to show that the tobacco industry is still able to unduly influence medical research reporting, even if they are not currently paying their consulting scientists. These conflicts of interest were firmly established in the past and the conflicted scientists continue to do the tobacco industry's bidding."

Included in a recent editorial, Dr. Michael Katz mentioned that the FDA should monitor electronic cigarettes as a nicotine delivery tool, and that electronic cigarettes should continue to be banned in locations where typical tobacco products are not allowed. “Unfortunately, the evidence on whether e-cigarettes help smokers to quit is contradictory and inconclusive,” Katz wrote. He did say he was willing to support their use if “there were good data indicating that they helped smokers to stop.” Dr. Gilbert Ross, medical and executive director of The American Council on Science and Health, said “allowing e-cigs to compete with cigarettes in the marketplace might decrease smoking-related morbidity and mortality.”

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