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For example, I am proud of having been part of a team that was the first ever to report that the dietary supplement L-tryptophan can via the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. This important conclusion - which had major public health policy implications - was based on a single reported case of pulmonary hypertension. In other words, it was based on a single "anecdote." Had we dismissed this finding because a single anecdote is not data, then we would have failed to report this relationship and many more patients would have suffered that fate, possibly leading to fatalities.

Hartge et al. exactly the same result as Wynder's group: "Our data indicated that people who have only smoked unfiltered cigarettes have higher risks."

In her on CDC's "Tips from Former Smokers" anti-smoking campaign, Nancy Wride of Elements Behavioral Health made an interesting observation. On its web site describing a variety of possible strategies to quit smoking, the CDC does not list electronic cigarettes. Wride therefore asked the CDC why electronic cigarettes are not included on its web site as a potential smoking cessation aid.

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