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Polito writes: "Physicians and government health workers are asked to ignorethe fact that, as found by a , more patients quit smoking cold turkey than byall other methods combined, that only a tiny fraction of successfulcessation involves use of any approved product (just 8 percent). Reflect on the fact that after 30 years and billions spent marketing Nicorette, that the Gallup Poll found that only 1 in 100 succeeded via nicotine gum. ... Fifty years of progress? Survey after survey teaches that feeding nicotine to nicotine addicts has nailed cessation to the floor, and that force-feeding weaning programs are costing lives (see , , , , , ). Don't expect to find any abrupt nicotine cessation paper cited in theGeneral's 978 page report. None. Why? Because the invited a number of financially conflicted researchers to help write it. Although impossible to know the role each played, to these eyes, their master's bidding leaps from the report."

On his tobacco , Dr. Stan Glantz links to a quite inappropriate advertisement for blu electronic cigarettes, attacking Lorillard for using this approach to promote e-cigarette use. He claims that this is part of Lorillard's ongoing strategy, accusing Lorillard of stooping to this low tactic to recruit youth to vaping. The ad depicts a robot having sex with a woman and then afterwards shunning a cigarette and offering an e-cigarette instead.

Dr. Samet: "During the last decade, Dr. Samet has received grant support for research and writing from GSK on at least six occasions, including in 2010. In addition, he formerly led the Institute for Global Tobacco Control, which is funded by GSK and Pfizer. Moreover, until 2009, Dr. Samet received regular honoraria from Pfizer for his service on the Pfizer Global Tobacco Advisory Board."

Misleading use of survey data has no place in professional public health practice

After a few months, I got tired of hearing my wife cough. It was starting to scare me and her, so I made her and my sister-in-law a bet. I gave them each $200 in cash and told them the cash was theirs, but for every cigarette they smoked in the next 10 days, I got $10 back. I gave them both an e-cig and some different flavors of e-juice and added a friendly bonus wager of $100 in lottery tickets to whoever smoked the least during the 10 day period.

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