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(See: Dutra LM, Glantz SA. Electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarette use: a cross-sectional study. Published online March 6, 2014. JAMA Pediatr. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.5488.)

This story demonstrates how low the integrity of research in the tobacco control movement has sunk. In today's tobacco control movement, we can draw conclusions before even conducting research because we are apparently capable of predicting the results of our experiments before they are carried out.

I find it quite ironic that the health groups, including CDC and FDA, are undermining the efforts of even tobacco companies to develop the non-combustible market and shift a proportion of their sales from combustible to non-combustible products. And the CDC and FDA are completely undermining the efforts of the non-tobacco-related e-cigarette companies to promote e-cigarettes over real tobacco cigarettes.

Peter Hajek, director of the Tobacco Dependence Research Unit at Queen Mary, University of London, also this critical flaw in the study: ""The authors followed up smokers who tried e-cigarettes but did not stop smoking, and excluded smokers who tried e-cigarettes and stopped smoking," he said. "Like smokers who fail with any method, these were highly dependent smokers who found quitting difficult. The authors concluded that e-cigarette (use) was not helpful, but that would be true for any treatment however effective if only treatment failures were evaluated."

For several years, I have repeatedly written about how the debate over harm reduction, especially electronic cigarettes, has brought out personal attacks, distortion of the science, and even lies among a number of opponents of this novel approach to smoking cessation. Over the past several days, I have learned that there is venom on both sides of the debate, and I had a chance to experience that venom from supporters of harm reduction.

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