Hot ecig news

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Back in 2010 the documented smoking rate was 14%; a superb rate and lower than the Nation. However, according to the latest data, as of last year there were approximately a little over 16% adults smoked last year, a rise from the recorded value of 2010. So even with the increase restrictions and high taxes, New Yorkers are still finding tobacco to be a sought after commodity. Either that or more adults are switching back to smoking ever since the electronic cigarette ban. Considering smoking is more convenient in terms of not having to charge, take care of E-Juice, and replacing coils, I can see how there is almost easier just to pick up a pack of cigarettes when there is almost no incentive to use electronic cigarettes.

Senate Bill 6939 would ban the sale of all electronic cigarette liquids. Under the proposed law, an e-liquid is defined as "A LIQUID COMPOSED OF NICOTINE AND OTHER CHEMICALS, AND WHICH ISSOLD AS A PRODUCT THAT MAY BE USED IN AN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE."

In a grant proposal that was subsequently funded by the state of California's Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP), Dr. Manuela Martin-Greens and colleagues from the University of California, Riverside exhibited their fortune-telling skills, claiming to know the results of their proposed lab experiments on mice before actually performing the studies.

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