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Disclosure: I have not received any funding or compensation from the tobacco, electronic cigarette, or pharmaceutical industries. However, I am seeking funding from several electronic cigarette companies to conduct a behavioral study on the effects of electronic cigarettes on smoking behavior.

Between 1961 and 1965 - during the entire time that Dr. Terry was heading the Public Health Service as Surgeon General - the Service was conducting an unethical and racist study in which it denied antibiotic treatment to African American men with advanced syphilis in order to observe the debilitating and fatal long-term sequelae of this essentially 100% treatable infection.

The truth is that the ad was created independently as part of a viral video contest. Apparently, blu did not do anything to dissociate itself from the ad. However, the ad was produced in 2010, two years before it was purchased by Lorillard. Thus, Lorillard had nothing to do with the ad.

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