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At the time of writing this article, remain an unknown quantity regarding the health and safety quotient. They are believed to be safer than real cigarettes on the basis that they do not contain any tobacco whatsoever. But the addictive nicotine that is part and parcel of vaping and the presence of some toxin traces (far fewer than in cigarettes) has led to continued research into the long term effects of this popular 21st century hobby/habit.

Today, it has become apparent that ANR has no intention of retracting or clarifying its defamatory statement attacking Mistic E-Cigarettes, accusing it of being owned by Big Tobacco, and claiming that it is putting out misinformation similar to the historical fraudulent actions of the tobacco industry. I wrote my colleagues at ANR to inform them about the inaccuracy in their public accusation, but received no response. Moreover, the claim remains on ANR's website, unchanged.

In other words, this is a special exemption put in place for what are clearly political, rather than public health purposes.

I don't begrudge the CDC for enumerating the potential population-level risks of the introduction of electronic cigarettes to the market. However, I do criticize the agency for fabricating scientific evidence in order to support what is clearly a pre-determined agenda: the demonization of e-cigarettes.

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